Shower men in the making!
Id like to introduce to you to a crew some of you may not know about yet, at present they have the main session on 1xtra on Saturday's 9-11pm. The Crew members are 'Felix the Fireman', 'Diggy Dan Darkness' and the top boy Producer/Dj ' Soundman Marky Blenda'. They've been a round a couple of years (some of you might remember haunted house!). They play anything and everything and it works. Plus Soundman produces beats at a high level (so you producers watch out!).
Catch their show to hear some exclusive Riko specials including a remix of their well known controversy tune plus a few other bangers.
Shower men in the industry just you wait and see, not one of them are over 21 and they've got there on show on 1xtra. Are you dumb!
Catch their show to hear some exclusive Riko specials including a remix of their well known controversy tune plus a few other bangers.
Shower men in the industry just you wait and see, not one of them are over 21 and they've got there on show on 1xtra. Are you dumb!
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