Tuesday, May 10, 2005


Quick introduction to myself my names Riko/Rikodan, I'm part of the Rolldeep Entourage. I'm currently working on the following - the Rolldeep album is finished and is due for release on the 6th June, I'm also starting my mix CD which will be out in August. Let me warn you though its called the Truth and I'm laying it all down on this CD including the beef I have with certain manz in the music industry. Plus ive been doing tunes with various artists if you havent heard them yet you will soon, catch me on channel U in the rolldeep video and also the diesel tune with doctor and myself (looking like a shower man!!!)

Anyway keep yourself locked cause ill be shortly putting my PA's on so you know where to catch me. One I know at the top of my head is Sidewinder 20th May 2005 @ Brunel Rooms, Swindon.

